Celebrating a decade of partnership with DE-CIX


Celebrating a decade of partnership with DE-CIX

This milestone marks ten years of collaboration between Core-Backbone, one of the leading European carriers and DE-CIX, one of the world’s leading Internet Exchange (IX) operators.

Over the past decade, this partnership has been instrumental in enhancing our network capabilities, enabling us to provide faster, more reliable, and more secure network services to our customers.

A successful partnership is built on trust, mutual respect, and a shared vision of creating something greater together. We are grateful to DE-CIX for being part of this remarkable journey and the successes we’ve achieved. Looking ahead, we are excited to expand our collaboration, driving innovation and excellence. As the digital landscape evolves, our partnership will remain a cornerstone of growth, enabling us to deliver even more advanced and reliable services. Together, we will continue shaping the future of the internet, setting new standards and reaching new milestones.

Let’s celebrate 10 years of success with a delicious summer cake and look forward to many more to come!



Bei uns warten vielfältige Karrieremöglichkeiten
auf IT-Begeisterte und alle, die es werden wollen:


Bei uns warten vielfältige Karrieremöglichkeiten
auf IT-Begeisterte und alle, die es werden wollen:

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