core backbone team Ulrich Köhler


Ulrich Köhler, Head of Network and IT-Operation celebrated his 15th anniversary at Core-Backbone GmbH on the 1 st of November. With this post we start our monthly cycle, in which we would like to present you our staff.
Here you can read the interview with our expert in network area and its complete infrastructure.

1. What motivates you in your job?
With our relatively large network and a high data throughput we are very close to the most current technology. For example, the 400G pots have been in use in our network since 2020.

2. What is special about your tasks? What do you like in your job? What do you like about your duties?
What I enjoy the most is planning constant expansions of our backbone.

3. What are hobbies and after work activities?
In my free time I like to play volleyball and motor sports are my big interest.

4. How have you come to Core-Backbone?
I met Daniel, our CEO at some big LAN party, about 20 years ago

5. You come from Baden-Wurtemberg, how do you like Nuremberg?
I’ve been living from 15 years in Frankonia. I appreciate the most “brewery culture” from Bamberg region.

6. If someone wants to become somebody like you: What is the carrier background? (Studies, professional training)
An apprenticeship as IT specialist would be a good start. However, the most important is self-interest in thematic area – it is the only way to have fun at work and develop itself further.

7. What had you done before entering CBB?
I passed matriculation examination and graduated university.

8. What differs CBB from another companies?
We have still relatively small team, what enables fast decision making. Besides we work exclusively with the newest technology. One more advantage in my view is a lot of freedom, which CBB gives to its employees.

9. How would you estimate work-life balance in CBB?
In my position I can arrange my working hours myself. So that I have some time for my son after his kindergarten. On the other hand, my job in the networking field requires my disposition even at night, in case of maintenance work.

Ulrich has been contributing into Core-Backbone’s success for 15 years. His specialist knowledge, experience and professionalism are our company’s significant development factors. We would like to thank him cordially for his friendly manner and helpfulness towards colleagues. We wish Ulrich further fruitful years and even more fun at work.

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