información legal
Core-Backbone GmbH
Deutschherrnstr. 15-19
90429 Nürnberg
General: +49 (0)911-310432-00 (Mo – Fr from 9am – 5pm)
Sales: +49 (0)911-310432-70 (Mo – Fr from 9am – 5pm)
Support: +49 (0)911-310432-80 (Mo – Fr from 9am – 5pm)
PGP Fingerprint: 05FE F3A1 D764 478D 7879 9744 F0AB 0A94 F27E 4AD4
PGP Public Key
Registration Number (HR): HRB 42754
Registration Court: Amtsgericht Nürnberg
Managing Director: Daniel Maresch
VAT-ID: DE249028038
Responsible according to § 10, paragraph 3 MDStV: Daniel Maresch
Bank details (International account information):
Account owner: Core-Backbone GmbH
Bank: Raiffeisenbank Regensburg-Wenzenbach eG
Account number (IBAN): DE55 7506 0150 0000 1609 70
Bank Identifier Code (BIC): GENODEF1R02
Creditor ID: DE41ZZZ00000030271
Paypal payment / credit card:
Legal representation:
HEUSSEN Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
ROXIN Rechtsanwälte LLP
Brienner Straße 9
80333 München /
Liability note:
Despite thorough checks regarding content, we don’t accept any liability for the content of external links.
The operators of the linked pages are exclusively responsible for their content.
The content of this website, including its design and programming, is subject to Copyright. Pictures and copy used in this website have been made available and are released by Core-Backbone GmbH.
All rights are vested with Core-Backbone GmbH. No liability is accepted for this information. All rights reserved. All information is intended to serve as personal information – commercial use of the written descriptions / structuring is not permitted.
The data must not be used for any commercial purpose, for example to structure your own systems and services or indices of any kind whatsoever. Furthermore, you are also prohibited from using software to read data automatically.
We accept no liability for the information on this website or for any incorrect links. The information on this website is in no way to be considered as legal advice. With the sentence of may 12th 1998 the provincial court of Hamburg has determined, that including a hyperlink in ones documents, the one gets resonsable for the contents of the page the link is pointing at.
This can only be prevented by dissociating one self explicitly of these contents. We have included links to other pages in the internet. For these links we state, that we have absolutely no influnence on the design or the contents of these pages. That is why we dissociate ourselves explicitly of the contents of all pages that are outside our domain.